So sánh ISO / IEC 20000-1:2018 và 2011

So sánh ISO / IEC 20000-1:2018 và 2011

Bên dưới là bảng so sanh giữa điều khoản tiêu chuẩn ISO 20000 phiên bản 2018 và phiên bản 2011.

Rất hữu ích cho việc rà soát khi triển khai chuyển đổi phiên bản. Tránh việc trùng lặp hoặc thiếu sót các yêu cầu tiêu chuẩn khi triển khai hệ thống quản lý dịch vụ CNTT.


Điều khoản 4 – Bối cảnh của doanh nghiệp ITSMS Điều khoản ISO 20000-1: 2018 và 2011

ISO/IEC 20000-1: 2018 ================ ISO/IEC 20000-1: 2011

4 Context of the organization 4.1 Management  responsibility
    4.5.1 Define scope
    4.5.2 Plan the SMS (Plan)
    7.1 Business relationship management
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context   New clause
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of 4.1.4 Management representative
  interested parties 7.1 Business relationship management
4.3 Determining the scope of the service management system 4.5.1 Defi e scope
4.4 Service management system 4.1.1 Management commitment
    4.5.3 Implement and operate the SMS (Do)

Đối chiếu điều khoản 4 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 5 – Sự lãnh đạo trong ITSMS

5 Leadership 4.1 Management  responsibility
5.1 Leadership and commitment 4.1.1 Management commitment
5.2 Policy 4.1.2 Service management policy
5.2.1 Establishing the service management policy 4.1.2 Service management policy
5.2.2 Communicating the service management policy 4.1.2 Service management policy
5.3 Organizational roles. responsibilities and 4.1.3 Authority. responsibility and communication
  authorities 4.1.4 Management representative

Đối chiếu điều khoản 5 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 6 – Hoạch định trong ITSMS

6 Planning 4.1.1 Management commitment
    4.5.2 Plan the SMS (Plan)
    6.6.1 Information security policy
6.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities 4.1.1 Management commitment
    4.5.2 Plan the SMS (Plan)
    6.6.1 Information security policy
6.2 Service management objectives and planning to achieve them 4.1.1 Management commitment
6.2.1 Establish objectives 4.1.1 Management commitment
6.2.2 Plan to achieve objectives   New clause
6.3 Plan the service management system 4.5.2 Plan the SMS (Plan)

Đối chiếu điều khoản 6 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 7 – Hỗ trợ trong ITSMS

7 Support of the service management system 4.1 Management  responsibility
    4.3 Documentation  management
    4.4 Resource management
7.1 Resources 4.4.1 Provision of resources
7.2 Competence 4.4.2 Leadership
7.3 Awareness 4.1.1 Management commitment
    4.1.2 Service management policy
    4.4.2 Human resource
7.4 Communication 4.1.3 Authority. responsibility and communication
7.5 Documented information 4.3 Documentation  management
7.5.1 General 4.3.1 Establish and maintain documents
7.5.2 Creating and updating documented information 4.3.2 Control of documents
7.5.3 Control of documented information 4.3.2 Control of documents
    4.3.3 Control of records
7.5.4 Service management system documented information 4.3.1 Establish and maintain documents
7.6 Knowledge   New clause

Đối chiếu điều khoản 7 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 8 – Thực hiện / vận hành / tác nghiệp trong ITSMS

8 Operation 4 Service management system general requirements
    5 Design and transition of new or changed services
    6 Service delivery processes
    7 Relationship processes
    8 Resolution processes
    9 Control processes
8.1 Operational planning and control 4.1.4 Management representative
    4.2 Governance of processes operated by other parties
    4.5.3 Implement and operate the SMS (Do)
    9.2 Change management
8.2 Service portfolio 4.1.4 Management representative
    4.2 Governance of processes operated by other parties
    4.5.3 Implement and operate the SMS (Do)
    5.2 Plan new or changed services
    6.1 Service level management
    9.1 Configuration management
8.2.1 Service delivery 4.5.3 Implement and operate the SMS (Do)
8.2.2 Plan the services 4.1.4 Management representative
    5.2 Plan new or changed services
8.2.3 Control of parties involved in the service lifecycle 4.2 Governance of processes operated by other parties
    5.2 Plan new or changed services
8.2.4 Service catalogue management 6.1 Service level management
8.2.5 Asset management 4.1.4 Management representative
8.2.6 Configuration management 9.1 Configuration management
8.3 Relationship and agreement 6.1 Service level management
    6.2 Service reporting
    7 Relationship processes
8.3.1 General 7.2 Supplier management
8.3.2 Business relationship management 6.2 Service reporting
    7.1 Business relationship management
8.3.3 Service level management 6.1 Service level management
    6.2 Service reporting
8.3.4 Supplier management 6.1 Service level management
    7.2 Supplier management Management of external suppliers 7.2 Supplier management Management of internal suppliers and customers acting as a supplier 6.1 Service level management
Điều khoản ISO 20000-1: 2018 và 2011
8.4 Supply and demand 6.4 Budgeting and accounting for services
    6.5 Capacity management
8.4.1 Budgeting and accounting for services 6.4 Budgeting and accounting for services
8.4.2 Demand management 6.5 Capacity management
8.4.3 Capacity management 6.5 Capacity management
8.5 Service design. build and transition 5 Design and transition of new or changed services
    9 Control processes
8.5.1 Change management 5.1 Design and transition of new or changed services. General
    6.3 Service continuity and availability management
    6.6 Information security management
    9.2 Change management Change management policy 9.2 Change management Change management initiation 5.1 Design and transition of new or changed services. General
    9.2 Change management Change management activities 6.3.2 Service continuity and availability plans
    6.3.3 Service continuity and availability monitoring and testing
    9.2 Change management
    9.3 Release and deployment management
8.5.2 Service design and transition 5 Design and transition of new or changed services
    6.2 Service reporting Plan new or changed services 5.2 Plan new or changed services Design 5.3 Design and development of new or changed services Build and transition 5.3 Design and development of new or changed services
    5.4 Transition of new or changed services
    6.2 Service reporting
8.5.3 Release and deployment management 9.1 Configuration management
    9.3 Release and deployment management
8.6 Resolution and fulfilment 8.1 Incident and service request management
    8.2 Problem management
8.6.1 Incident management 6.2 Service reporting
    8.1 Incident and service request management
8.6.2 Service request management 8.1 Incident and service request management
8.6.3 Problem management 8.2 Problem management
8.7 Service assurance 6.3 Service continuity and availability management
    6.6 Information security management
8.7.1 Service availability management 6.3 Service continuity and availability management
8.7.2 Service continuity management 6.2 Service reporting
    6.3 Service continuity and availability management
8.7.3 Information security management 6.6 Information security management Information security policy 6.6.1 Information security policy Information security controls 6.6.2 Information security controls Information security incidents 6.6.3 Information security changes and incidents

Đối chiếu điều khoản 8 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 9 – Đánh giá việc thực hiện trong ITSMS

9 Performance evaluation 4.5.4 Monitor and review the SMS (Check)
    6.2 Service reporting
9.1 Monitoring. measurement. analysis and evaluation Monitor and review the SMS (Check). General
9.2 Internal audit Monitor and review the SMS (Check). General Internal audit
    6.2 Service reporting
9.3 Management review Monitor and review the SMS (Check). General Management review
9.4 Service reporting 6.2 Service reporting

Đối chiếu điều khoản 9 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS


Điều khoản 10 – Cải tiến trong ITSMS

10 Improvement 4.5.5 Maintain and improve the SMS (Act)
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action Internal audit Maintain and improve the SMS (Act). General
    6.2 Service reporting
10.2 Continual improvement Maintain and improve the SMS (Act). General Management of improvements

Đối chiếu điều khoản 10 của tiêu chuẩn ITSMS

Bên trên là tổng hợp các điều khoản của tiêu chuẩn ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2018 khi đối chiếu với tiêu chuẩn phiên bản cũ ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2011


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