43 Remote Work Best Practices, Strategies, and Tips for Your Business

By eating your “frog”—or tackling the biggest or most important task—in the morning, you’ll feel more accomplished and less stressed throughout the day as you move onto less demanding or time-sensitive tasks. To ensure that all team members feel included and have access to the same information, record and share these virtual meetings with everyone. In our quest to prove to employers how productive we are — sometimes to help prevent a layoff or furlough — it’s easy to lose track of time.

  • Working for awesome companies and doing work I enjoy means I regularly enjoy working extra hours, but in the long run this is not entirely healthy.
  • Remote workers typically value and appreciate greater flexibility and autonomy over their work and schedules.
  • Informal interactions, which occur more naturally among co-located employees, don’t come about as easily in a virtual environment.
  • That energy can be difficult to recreate when you begin to work remotely more consistently.
  • Make sure you’re getting value out of them by running effective virtual meetings—whether those are one-on-ones, group collaboration sessions, or team meetings.
  • Additionally, determine how cross-departmental communication will work.

When you’re not in the same office as your boss and teammates, you need to take your communication skills to the next level. Use email, phone calls, video calls, online chat software, and whatever other tools you have at your disposal. Ask when and how people want to hear from you, and follow those preferences. Be prepared to over-communicate to ensure you and your team members are collaborating effectively, and your manager knows your priorities. Every remote worker faces unique challenges, from distractions that are unusually hard to avoid to increasingly complex responsibilities at home that make it challenging to find a healthy work-life balance.

Remote Work Best Practices, Strategies, and Tips for Your Business

Though the ability to work from home or a co-working space can be hugely beneficial, it can come with challenges too. Remote work can be tricky to adjust to, and having the ability to choose your own schedule also means you need to take responsibility for it too. Your physical tools will vary depending on the type of work you’re doing.

Just because you’re not working at an office doesn’t mean you can’t, well, have an office. Do you have trouble closing your laptop and moving on to the next part of the day? You can find more work-from-home tips in the books listed in this best remote-work books article. When it comes time to eat, have a genuine away-from-your-laptop lunch break. However, rather than just opening YouTube and watching some comfort clips, use your breaks to get away from your desk.

Plan out what you’ll be working on ahead of time.

Despite some managers’ concerns, a closer look at the evidence suggests that remote work does, in fact, boost productivity. Although these terms are all related to the concept of flexible work arrangements, there are some key differences. Keep in mind that as things evolve, it will be important to track progress and support go-forward decisions around your remote workforce with actionable data. Having a remote workforce will require going above and beyond to nullify any gaps. This includes having and sharing a plan for those who are not working remotely.

Try not to let impostor syndrome, where you doubt your ability to succeed in the job you were hired for, get the best of you. Li recommends writing out a list of your top skills and displaying it in sight of your workspace. “Get clear about your areas of strength, and be honest about your areas of growth, too,” Li says. “Jobs are an opportunity for us to learn and https://remotemode.net/ master new skills, and it’s OK to come in with a growth mindset.” Whether you’re new to working remotely or you’ve been doing it for years, these work-from-home tips can help anyone maximize their workday when they work at home, or anywhere. Think about using a coworking space and signing up for meetup.com to see if there are any interesting groups you can join.


The New York Times’ Wirecutter site has some helpful ratings and recommendations for home office furniture and supplies.

Tips for Succeeding in Working Remotely

However, my web publishing company—and many other online ventures like it—has always been based solely on remote positions. We experienced little disruption when the pandemic hit the market because our team members were already working from home. It’s also worth noting that you should take regular breaks and if necessary, set yourself how to work from home successfully a timer so you actually take a break. I find that I can often disappear down a rabbit hole of work and forget to take a break, then wonder why I have a headache. Setting a timer on my phone at two-hour intervals helps me step away and come back feeling recharged. Many remote companies help with the cost of such equipment or software.

Save Time

Safety arises as organizations purposefully create a culture in which employees feel comfortable making mistakes, speaking up, and generating innovative ideas. Safety also requires helping employees feel supported when they request flexible operating approaches to accommodate personal needs. Now is the time, as you reimagine the postpandemic organization, to pay careful attention to the effect of your choices on organizational norms and culture. Pay heed to core aspects of your own leadership and that of your broader group of leaders and managers.

Tips for Succeeding in Working Remotely

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